Friday, October 31, 2008

this picture is good because it adds texture and grass is perfect
for texture because it has many different elevations

in this picture i added humor the person in the picture is holding a pole with one hand which is interesting because no one can actually lift it
this picture my first one captures a moment in time which in photography is important. It
can capture amazing things. in my picture it captures a moment in which a person is jumping off the bleachers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

my company called devil designs is a company that specializes in designing computer logos. I chose a Tasmanian devil because they will fight until the end and they will never give up just like my company we will never give in. I chose the colours because fer one they are realistic and the red represents

Monday, October 6, 2008

chess piece

My chess piece

for my chess piece I picked a king I used a variety of darks and lights in my chess piece. I used thick tentacles in the back ground and i shaded the back ground. I cut the back part out with an knife.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

fish eye jack

